“Towards the Day after Tomorrow…”
Essays on Humanity’s Teloi, and the Eschaton

~ Art Works Discussed ~

Including illustrations of all the paintings and drawing cited in “Towards the Day after Tomorrow…” would have been prohibitive not just on cost for a theology book, but also in terms of the byzantine complexity of rights and permissions: ownership not just of a work of art, but the photographic rights are complex and multi-layered (galleries, universities, photo agencies, photographers, media groups, variations according to which country the work is reproduced in, etc...). This list contains hyperlinks to the world wide web of all the paintings and drawings referred to, also links to other websites that have pictures of these works.

Most of the works cited (pre twentieth century) can be viewed in The Web Gallery of Art
The Web Gallery of Art
The Web Gallery of Art is a searchable database of European fine arts
and architecture (3rd-19th centuries), currently containing over 47.300
reproductions. Artist biographies, commentaries, guided tours, period music,
catalogue, free postcard and mobile services are provided.

See also, Wikiart, an encyclopedia of visual material, artworks, etc:

See also a Google site on arts and culture
Google Arts and Culture


Matthias Grünewald
Khan Academy: Isenheim Altarpiece

Wikipedia: Isenheim Altarpiece

Masaccio (Tommaso di Ser Giovanni di Simone)
Khan Academy: The Trinity

Wikipedia: The Trinity

Hans Holbein the Younger
MavCor Centre for the Sudy of Material & Visual Cultures of Religio
Holbein, “The Body of the Dead Christ in the Tomb”

Wikipedia: Holbien, “The Body of the Dead Christ in the Tomb”

El Greco (“The Greek”—Doménikos Theotokópoulos 1541–1614)
Wikipedia: El Greco

El Greco: Works

El Greco: “The Vision of Saint John” (“The Opening of the Fifth Seal”)
The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Vincent Van Gogh
Van Gogh, “Wheat Field Under Threatening Skies”
(The Van Gogh Museum)

Wikipedia: “Wheat Field under Threatening Skies”

Edvard Munch
Munch, “The Scream”


Franz Marc
Franz Marc, “Blue Horse”

Wikipdia: Franz Marc

Emild Nolde
Emil Nolde, “The Prophet”

Wikipedia: Emil Nolde

Georg Grosz
Georg Grosz, see a collection of Grosz’s paintings

Olga’s Gallery: Georg Grosz

Otto Dix
Otto Dix, see Wikiart

Otto Dix, “The Skat Players (formerly entitled, “Card Playing War Cripples”)


Caspar David Friedrich
Website, complete works

Caspar David Friedrich, “Man and Woman Contemplating the Moon”
Man and Woman Contemplating the Moon: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

Caspar David Friedrich, “Memorial Monument to Goethe”
The best solution here is to search Google images with artist and title.

Max Klinger
Max Klinger, “Christ on Mount Olympus”
The best solution here is to search Google images with artist and title.


Max Beckmann

The Wikipedia page for Max Beckmann has access to most of his works and other websites with illustration
Wikipedia: Max Beckmann

See also MoMA (The Museum of Modern Art, New York) for examples of all the works by Beckmann cited
Max Beckmann: MoMA

Also, examples of Beckmann’s work at the Guggenheim (New York)
Max Beckmann at the Guggenheim

A specific Wikipedia page on Max Beckmann’s “Die Nacht”
Max Beckmann, “Die Nacht”

For a complete compendium of Beckmann’s works:
Google Arts & Culture: Max Beckmann


Otto Hoyer, “In the Beginning was the Word”
Google Arts & Culture: Otto Hoyer


Rogier van der Weyden
National Gallery (UK): Rogier van der Weyden

Wikipedia: Rogier van der Weyden

Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino
Wikipedia: Raphael’s Entombment (Deposition)

Direct Links to Art Works

Essay 2 Karl Barth: “Krisis,” War, & Expressionism—
An Eschatological Encounter

Essay 6 The God of the Epileptic:
Postlapsarian Exile, Affliction, and the Sufferance of Salvation

William Blake

William Blake, “Newton” (Tate Gallery, London)

Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes

The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters (Wikipedia)

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